What / like / eat / when / feel / a bit down?, How / diet of an average Belarusian office worker / change / now?, Men are better cooks that women. you / agree? Why?, When / lat time / eat out? Where / you / go?, you / get / any siblings? you / similar or diffeent in character?, Who / you / get on best in your family? What / like about him(her)?), you / do / something fun(special, unusual) with a family member this week?, you / think / anyone in your family / live to be a 100?, you/ a spender or a saver? Examples?, you / good at finding bargains? you / buy anything cheaper that you expected recenlty?, you / do some shopping for summer clothes / any time soon? What / you / buy?, you / go on holiday this year? Where / plan to go?, How long / work for ISsoft? What / like / the most about the company?, When / last time / you / felt absolutey positive about something, but turned out to be wrong?, What / the most delicious meal / you / have / recently?, How long / learn English? Where / start learning?.


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