At the computer shop: Blank CDs to burn music – these are on special offer, You are out of stock of chargers for mobile phones, Paper for printers – you have low, medium and high quality, but the high quality is very expensive, Headphones for computers – you have them with a microphone or without, Pens that you can use to write on CDs – you have blue and red only. Total $600.000 Colombian pesos, At the bookshop: Bilingual dictionaries for English to Spanish, French, Chinese, and Arabic, Guides to English grammar for intermediate levels and below, Vocabulary practice books, but no grammar practice books at the moment, Special dictionaries for idioms and also for phrasal verbs, Monolingual dictionaries, English-English, for all levels but only large size editions $200.000 Colombian pesos, At the grocery store: Mangos, ripe and ready to eat today, Oranges, Bananas, for both dessert and cooking, Peaches, which you are trying to get people to buy instead of nectarines, Apples, green and crispy $ 250.000 Colombian pesos, At the supermarket: Salted butter, Instant noodles, in pots and packets, but only spicy ones, Full-fat and low-fat milk, Black pepper, in powder and as corns, White bread $300.000 Colombian pesos, At the newsagent’s: Newspapers. You only have the ‘Independent’, ‘The Sun’ and the ‘The Mirror’, Stamps, Chewing gum, cherry and peppermint flavour $100.000 Colombian pesos.

Prices - Fundamental Plus 1


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