fascinated (by) - extremely interested, generate - o produce or create; to cause something to exist, recognise - to accept that something is true or real, influential - powerful, authoritative, dominant, important, significant, tough - difficult, struggle to do sth - to try very hard to do something difficult, contribution (to) - something that you do to help produce or develop something, or to help make something successful, promote - to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something; to raise someone to a higher or more important position , numerous - many, outline - a short description of the most important ideas or facts about something, reject - to refuse to accept or agree with something, research - to study a subject in detail, especially in order to discover new information or reach a new understanding, question - to express doubts about the value or truth of something, raise - to collect money from other people; to increase an amount or level; to improve something; to lift something, be still going strong - continuing to be successful after a long time, initial - first, or happening at the beginning, admire - to find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look at, go/be on air - being broadcast on radio or television, literacy - the ability to read and write, get on with sth - to continue doing something, especially work, have a huge impact on - to have a marked effect or influence, inspiring - encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something, involvement - participating in something, feel passionate about - to show a strong belief in something or a strong feeling about a subject, consider sb/sth (to be) sth; consider that - to have a particular opinion about someone or something,

Empower B2 Unit 1A (Apple's design genius and The woman who reinvented children's TV)


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