SHOPPING: How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?, SHOPPING: Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general shopping habits? Why is this?, FOOD AND DIET: Which do people in your country prefer: traditional food or fast food such as hamburgers or pizzas?, FOOD AID: What can be done to prevent poor people in the world going hungry?, TRAVEL AND LEARNING: Do you think the growth of international tourism is a good thing? Why (not)?, TRAVEL AND LEARNING: What do people learn from travelling?, SPORTS: Should more money be spent by governments on community sports halls or on halls for famous sports teams?, SPORTS: Are young people doing enough sports in this age of technology? Does lack of sport affect their health?, TECHNOLOGY: Do you think that technology is changing the way people communicate in your country?, TECHNOLOGY: Talk about how you feel technology might change and develop in the future., STUDY AND EDUCATION: How has education changed in your country compared to in your parent's generation?, EDUCATION: Do you think that your government spends enough money on education? Should university education be free in your country?.

IELTS Speaking Part Three



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