1 He asked her what she’d/she had been doing., 2 She told him not to worry about it., 3 He asked her to call him later. /He asked her if she could call him later., 4 She said (that) she had to go home., 5 He asked her if/whether Tom had a car., 6 She said (that) she was going to buy a flat., 7 He asked her what she was doing., 8 She told him (that) she’d/she would email him later., 9 He asked her what she’d/she had done on Sunday., 10 She told him (that) she was living in London., 11 He said (that) he’d been waiting for ages., 12 She asked him to give her his address./She asked him if he could give her his address., 13 He told her (that) he’d been watching TV., 14 She asked him not to tell anyone., 15 He told her (that) he’d/he had been living in Italy for a year., 16 She said (that) she’d been there before., 17 He told her to try and relax a bit more., 18 She asked him if/whether he’d/he had been waiting long.,   - 19 He told her not to tell anyone else about it., 20 He asked her if/whether she needed a new computer., 21 He told her (that) he’d/he had just finished work., 22 She asked him not to say anything., 23 He said (that) he couldn’t ride a bike., 24 She asked him if/whether he could play the guitar., 25 He told her not to be late., 26 She said (that) she couldn’t understand it., 27 He asked her if/whether she was going to call Tim., 28 She told him (that) she might leave her job., 29 He asked her if/whether she’d/she had ever been sailing., 30 She told him to stop worrying., 31 He asked her who she worked for., 32 She said (that) she had to read her emails., 33 He asked when she would make a decision.,

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