The happiest day of your life, The worst thing about learning English, The best party you've ever been to, The nicest hotel you've ever stayed in, The best book you've ever read, The coldest place you've ever been to, The most expensive thing you've ever bought, The most exciting thing you've ever done, The thing you're most frightened of, The best film you've ever seen, The biggest crowd of people you've ever seen, The most famous person you've ever met, The longest you've gone without eating, The most famous building in your country, The hottest place you've ever visited, The longest you've gone without sleeping, Your oldest relative, The most delicious meal you've ever eaten, The most exciting place you've ever visited, Your most favourite type of music, The best thing about learning English, The most popular tourist attraction in your country, The most difficult exam you've ever taken, The most embarrassing moment in your life, The most expensive restaurant you've ever been to.

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