erect - to build or raise up, radiant - shining or giving off light; beaming, as with joy, stunning - having striking beauty or excellence, colossal - huge, fashion - to make, build, or shape, towering - reaching a height above others, ruthlessly - cruelly; showing no mercy, incredibly - unbelievably, complex - complicated or composed of many parts, drift - to wander, ingeniously - cleverly inventive, steadily - constantly, crucial - important; essential, durable - long lasting, fortunately - luckily, impressive - awesome, bellow - to give a loud, deep roar, cordially - in a friendly manner, emerge - to come out and into view, vigorously - forcefully or energetically, anticipate - to see ahead of time, content - satisfied with what one has or is, envy - a feeling of wanting what someone else has, gasp - a sudden breath due to surprise or difficulty breathing,


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