1) I ... to Paris tomorrow. a) am going to go b) will go c) am going 2) ... we go to the cinema tonight? a) Will b) Shall c) Are 3) - Can I see you tonight? - No, I ... late. How about Saturday? a) will work b) am working c) are working 4) Look at those black clouds. I think it ... . a) is going to rain b) is raining c) rains 5) I'm sure you ... New York! a) shall love b) are going to love c) will love 6) The exam ... on the last Friday of term. a) is going to be b) will be c) is being 7) We ... a party on Saturday night. Would you like to come? a) will have b) having c) 're going to have 8) Wait a minute. I ... you with your bags. a) help b) helping c) 'll help 9) What ... do for your birthday next week? a) will you b) do you c) are you going to 10) - What would you like? - I ... a steak, please. a) 'll have b) am going to c) have

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