1) How many pillars of Islam that we should know? Berapa bilangan Rukun Islam yang kita perlu tahu? a) Four b) Three c) Six d) Five 2) Please select steps that are involved in performing Hajj . Sila pilih perbuatan yang berkaitan dengan menunaikan Haji. a) Tawaf around Kaabah b) Zakat c) Wuquf at Arafah d) Sa'ie Safa to Marwa e) Tahallul f) Fasting 3) How many pillars of Iman that we should know? Berapa bilangan Rukun Iman yang kita perlu tahu? a) Four b) Five c) Six d) Seven 4) What's missing in the picture ? Apa yang tiada di dalam gambar? a) (4) Syahadah (6) Hajj  b) (4) Rasul (6) Qada' and Qadar c) (4) Solat (6) Fasting d) (4) Qada' and Qadar (6) Rasul  5) Wudhu' - Which body part is involved in taking wudhu'? Anggota badan manakah yang terlibat dengan wudhu'? a) Face b) Foot c) Knee d) Ears e) Head f) Hand 6) Wudhu'- Please choose the right match . Sila pilih padanan yang betul.   a) b) c) d) 7) Solat is a sign of worship Allah. We are facing ................. when we performing solat. Solat itu tanda kita taat kepada Allah. Semasa solat, kita akan menghadap .........   a) Mosque b) Wall c) Qiblat d) Sun e) Moon 8) Select the correct match for rakaat in solat. Pilih rakaat solat yang betul. a) Isyak b) Zuhur c) Subuh d) Maghrib e) Asar 9) Based on Song "Born In Mecca", who is Prophet Muhammad SAW ?  Dari lagu "Born In Mecca", siapakah Nabi Muhammad SAW? a) The first prophet  b) A businessman c) A father of 7 children d) The Final Messenger 10) What is the name of Rasulullah SAW's parent? Siapakah nama ibubapa Rasulullah SAW? a) Father: Ali Mother: Fatimah b) Father: Abu Talib Mother: Aisyah c) Father: Abdullah Mother: Aminah d) Father: Ibrahim Mother: Zainab 11) What did Rasulullah SAW bring to us today? Apa yang telah Rasulullah SAW sampaikan kepada kita hari ini? a) Food b) Islam c) Wealth d) War e) Iman 12) Rasulullah SAW taught us to always be kind, being clean and respect our parents. True or False ? Rasulullah SAW mengajar kita untuk menjadi seorang yang baik, bersih & hormati ibubapa. Betul atau Salah?   a) b) 13) According to the picture, as a Muslim what should we say? Berdasarkan gambar, apakah yang sepatutnya kita ucapkan? a) Astaghfirullah b) Jazakallah c) In shaa Allah d) Assalamu'alaikum 14) According to the picture, please select sunnah of entering the toilet.  Berdasarkan gambar, sila pilih sunnah apabila masuk tandas. a)  Enter with left foot  b) Bring food in the toilet c) Recite doa before entering the toilet  d) Not wearing a slippers  e) Cover your head  f) Zikr or recite Quran   15) Choose the picture that shows Allah likes. Pilih gambar yang menunjukkan perbuatan hambaNya yang Allah suka .   a) Sadaqah b) Reading Quran c) Fighting d) Be kind to the animal e) Stealing f) Littering



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