1) Do you check the internet for the weather forecast before setting off in the morning? Why/why not? 2) What was the weirdest weather phenomena you’ve ever witnessed? 3) What is the silver lining of having to study on Saturday? 4) Do you know anybody who’s made the (world) news? 5) What would you expect from a book with the title “Miracle”? 6) What makes you want to wrap up warm? Think of three things. 7) Can you think of an example of a fair-weather friend from a book/film? 8) What advice would you give to a person, who is under the weather? 9) Form a verb from the adjective “strong”. 10) What should a person do, if they are struggling to cope with a load of homework? 11) What might astonish a person? Think of three things.

ST8 M1e


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