1) Hi, I'm Lisa. I'm afraid of many things, but I am frightened of snakes, spiders, scorpions and homework. However, I'm not at all frightened of lizards or any big animals like lions. What is Lisa afraid of? a) b) c) 2) Hi, I'm Jeff. I like jazz music. It's my favourite. From when I was young I learnt how to play a few instruments. No, not the piano, like most kids my age. I learnt the saxsophone and the French horn. When I got older I wanted to learn how to play the cello but learnt the violin instead. What instruments can Jeff play?  a) b) c) 3) Last weekend, there were three concerts in town: The Vipers - a heavy metal band, The Master Orchestra - a modern - classical music band and The African Cobras - an African drumming band. Gary and his friends like electric guitars and loud music. Which concerts did Gary go to see with his friends?  a) b) c) 4) Hi, I'm Alex and to be hnest I am afraid of many things. I'm afraid of dentist, cockroaches, closed spaces and the dark. I am afraid of rollercoasters, flying an high buildings because I am most frightened of heights. What is Alex afraid of the most?   a) b) c) 5) Hi, I'm Anna and I can play many instruments. I can play piano and saxsophone. I can play violin, guitar and clarinet. But what I enjoy most is singing. I love to sing everywhere I go. Mostly I sing pop and rock music but I like classical music to. What Anna enjoyes most doing?  a) b) c)


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