The Olympic Games happen every ____ years in a different country. We have 2 types of the Games. Summer and ____. It is the most ____ event in the world of sport. The Olympic flag has got five ____: blue, yellow, red, ____ and black. They represent the five ____. The olympic mascot usually represents the host country of the Games. The best athletes get medals: gold, silver and ____. There's also a tradition to bring the olympic ____ from Olympia (a small town in Greece) to the host country. The flame burns for the whole two weeks. Also, there are ____ Games. They are games for the athletes with a handicap. The first "modern" Olympic Games were in ____ in Athens in Greece and the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin became its President of the Olympic Commitee. He said "It is not ____ to win but to take part".

Olympic Games - reading comprehension


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