He's very kind, ____ loves him. Let's go ____ together in the evening. She didn't tell ____ the truth. There's ____ you can say to make me happy. I looked ____ for my bag but I didn't find it. The film was very boring and ____ liked it. I didn't do ____ at school today. The test was so easy that ____ passed it. ____ called you yesterday. I think I know ____ about him. I didn't go ____ last weekend, I stayed at home. Don't tell ____ It's a secret. I love ____ with chocolate in it. ____ told me the news. it's very quiet. There's ____ outside. It was so dark that I couldn't see ____. I don't like ____ in this town! It's horrible. There's ____ in my office from England. His name is David Do you see my phone ____ The restaurant must be ____ around here. My friend lives ____ in Spain. There's ____ strange in his behaviour today. Did you travel ____ last weekend? I know ____ who is 100 years old. I'd like to go ____. Leave me alone...I don't want to go ____. ____ knows the new teacher. I never meet ____ I know. My keys are ____! He never says ____ interesting!

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