The toughest time I've ever had was definitely my first term here at university. ____ I really love student life now, it wasn't so easy in the beginning. My bad luck started on the very first day. My parents had just dropped me off with all my stuff when some of the guys whose rooms were on the same corridor as mine suggested going to play basketball in the park nearby. I don't know exactly how it happened, ____ somehow, during the game, I tripped and fell really hard on my right arm and broke it. ____ not being able to play any sports for weeks, it was especially annoying because my injury meant I wasn't able to write properly. As a result, I got really behind with my essays and I had to take an extra class later in the year so that I could catch up. On top of that, it wasn't as easy as I had expected to find friends, and I was pretty homesick for a while. However, things got better eventually. Once my arm was better, I managed to get into the university basketball team and made loads of news friends. Most people can't wait until the day they retire, but I can tell you it's not as simple as you might think. ____ all the free time, retirement isn't just a question of feeling happy that you never have to work again. When my husband Frank retired, he had terrible troble adjusting to his new lifestyle. ____ he had always been committed to his career, it wasn't easy just to give it up overnight. We decided to move to the countryside ____ to be nearer to our daughter and her family, but when we arrived, we found that they were all very busy with their own lives. We did babysit for our daughter sometimes ____ she could fo out in the evenings, but somehow it wasn't the life we had imagined. Just when we were feeling really down, a friend of ours invited us along to a ballroom dancing class in the village. Frank wasn't keen at first, but ____ we got there, we had a wonderful time. Now we go three times a week and it's changed our lives. We keep fit and we've met so many fantastic people. And it's all ____ the dance class.


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