1) We took a trip to Florida during spring break.  a) a journey or vacation b) to stumble or fall 2) We fed bread to the duck at the pond today. a) to bend down b) a type of bird 3) Make sure to recycle your soda can.  a) a metal container b) to be able to 4) The plane will land on the runway.  a) an area of the ground b) to put on the ground 5) You are right, it is raining outside.  a) correct b) the opposite of left 6) Fall is my favorite because we get to carve pumpkins.  a) the season following summer b) to drop down 7) The teacher said we can skip number five.  a) hop from one foot to the other b) pass over 8) The band will march in the parade.  a) third month of the year b) to walk in even steps usually with a group 9) I saw a bird fly through the sky.  a) a synonym for soar b) an insect 10) We will go play frisbee in the park.  a) to bring a vehicle to a stop b) a place with grass to play

Multiple Meaning Words in Context


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