1) As the sink overflowed, water ……….onto the floor. a) cascaded b) pulverize c) glimmer 2) Careful ………of research is important when writing report. a) documentation b) filtration c) perception 3) •Because a tornado is so……., it can quickly change course. a) smoothing b) dynamic c) moving 4) •Listening to soothing music …..a positive effect on a person’s mood. a) do b) searches c) exerts 5) •We watched the hail ……from the sky. a) descending b) dumbing c) plummeting 6) •We can ……coffee beans by grinding them. a) satisfy b) pulverize c) sneeze 7) •You should let ……..soup cool before trying to eat it. a) scalding b) freezing c) cold 8) •The flowerpot fell off the shelf and broke into many……….. a) peace b) shards c) spices 9) •One …………of losing was knowing he had done his best. a) console b) consolidation c) consolation 10) •My dog shows a ………..of excitement when it is time to play. a) slimmer b) trimmer c) glimmer 11) •The children’s ………..table manners made it unpleasant to eat with them. a) behaved b) heinous c) polite 12) •A ball and bat are ……….to playing baseball. a) indispensable b) unimportant c) unnecessary 13) •Many people are ………about going to the dentist. a) reason b) afraid c) phobic 14) •Her ……….comment hurt her friend’s feelings a) sarcastic b) serious c) encouraging 15) Our .......... that our grandmother was happy made us smile a) induction b) description c) perception 16) Tickets to the concert will be ........... on Friday a) invalid b) available c) successful 17) Although they wear their hair differently, the twins look ............ the same. a) falsely b) fake c) basically 18) When choosing a book to read, I consider the.........., such as the genre and the length a) factors b) factories c) manufactures 19) The prices of vegetables may ......... depending on when they are in season.  a) stable b) fluctuate c) shake 20) The gift shop sells ........goods as well as handmade items. a) manufactured b) canned c) fast 21) The ......... of many workers increase each year to cover rising costs of living. a) wages b) salaries c) fees

Wonders 6, Unit1 ( Vocabulary )


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