1) History is ... Maths. a) as difficult as b) not as difficult as 2) Pete is ..... Tom. a) as old as b) not as old as 3) This test is ... that one. a) easier than b) as easier as 4) A mouse is ..... an elephant a) as big as b) not as big as 5) Emma is ....... John a) as tall as b) not as tall as 6) A giraffe is ... a zebra. a) taller than b) as tall as 7) A tiger is .......... a cat a) more dangerous than b) as dangerous as 8) A white house is ... a brown one. a) as big as b) bigger than 9) A tortoise is ... a snail a) is not as slow as b) is slower than 10) The white cat is ...... the brown cat a) is not as fat as b) is as fat as 11) A blue car is ... a red one. a) as fast as b) as faster as 12) A book is ... a film. a) as more interesting as b) as interesting as

Comparatives as... as / not as ... as


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