1) Trust ___.  a) me b) I c) him 2) You're ___ parents in the world. a) best b) good c) the best 3) ___ too, Adrian. a) I b) she c) me 4) These shoes ___ to my grandmother. a) belong b) belonged c) belang 5) I`m ___ to see you again. a) happy b) glad c) sad 6) Kagami, is ___ wrong? a) it b) you c) something 7) We ___ a plan. a) need b) want c) have 8) I don`t know, it doesn't make any ____.  a) way b) sense c) plan 9) Disaster a) буря b) стихийное бедствие (несчастье, беда) c) печаль, тоска 10) You got a ____ on Adrian! a) crush b) love c) feeling 11) Ridiculous a) странно b) смешно, нелепо c) ужасно 12) Крайне опасно a) extremely dangerous b) very dangerous c) extremely scary


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