Are you going to watch TV tonight?, What is one of your favorite TV shows?, What did you watch on TV yesterday?, Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching TV?, Do you think it is good for children to watch TV?, Do you think TV is educational?, Do you think there is too much violence on TV?, Do you think that TV is a good thing?, How often do you watch TV?, What are the disadvantages of watching TV?, What are the advantages of watching TV?, What channel is your favorite channel? Why?, What TV commercials do you like?, Do you think that TV makes people lazy?, Do you think that TV prevents people from communicating?, Could you live without TV for a week?, What do you think about reality shows?, Do you like watching TV alone or with your family?, Is television one of the best inventions of all times?, What do you think of the "rubbish" programs on TV which are only dedicate to gossip about famous or pseudo famous people?, Do you think children watch too much TV these days?.


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