Alliteration - the first letter of a word is repeated in words that follow; the cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice., Assonance - The same vowel sound is repeated but the consonants are different; he passed her a sharp, dark glance., Colloquial - language that is used in speech with an informal meaning; 'chill', 'out of this world', 'take a rain check'., Enjambment - a device used in poetry where a sentence continues beyond the end of the line or verse. This technique is often used to maintain a sense of continuation from one stanza to another., Hyperbole - exaggerating something for literary purposes which is not meant to be taken literally; we gorged on the banquet of beans on toast., Imagery - similes, metaphors and personification; they all compare something 'real' with something 'imagined'., Irony - The use of words or ideas, implying the opposite of what they mean., Onomatopoeia - A word that sounds like the noise it is describing: 'splash', 'bang'., Oxymoron - Where two words normally not associated are brought together: 'cold heat' 'bitter sweet'., Personification - attributing a human quality to a thing or idea: the moon calls me to her darkened world., Symbolism - Often objects, colours, sounds and places work as symbols. They can sometimes give us a good insight into the themes., Semantic Field - a word group of semantically related items, for example words linked to conflict.., Anaphora - a specific type of repetition where repetition occurs at the start of a line or sentence.,


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