1. Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor., 2. Never have I ever accidentally spelled my name wrong., 3. Never have I ever slept in regular clothing., 4. Never have I ever worn my shirt inside out in public by mistake., 7. Never have I ever eaten a bug., 8. Never have I ever watched SpongeBob SquarePants., 9. Never have I ever picked my nose., 16. Never have I ever accidentally called a teacher “Mom.”, 17. Never have I ever had a crush., 22. Never have I ever “cleaned up” by piling everything into a closet., 24. Never have I ever hidden food under my bed., 25. Never have I ever stayed up until three in the morning., 28. Never have I ever gone without a bath or shower for more than a week., 31. Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public., 32. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet., 35. Never have I ever been electrocuted., 36. Never have I ever shoplifted., 38. Never have I ever made silly faces on my parents and teachers., 45. Never have I ever sung miserably in a bathroom., 48. Never have I ever shared my utensils with my dog., 51. Never have I ever danced in front of a mirror., 58. Never have I ever pulled out my loose teeth and shown them to others., 61. Never have I ever sang in the shower., 62. Never have I ever been chased by a dog., 70. Never have I ever cheated on a test., 72. Never have I ever been out of the country., 74. Never have I ever jumped into a pool with all my clothes on., 75. Never have I ever eaten raw fish., 80. Never have I ever cried in public., 82. Never have I ever fallen asleep in public., 85. Never have I ever skipped class., 87. Never have I ever lied to my teachers., 88. Never have I ever watched TV the entire day., 89. Never have I ever swum with dolphins., 91. Never have I ever spoken to my crush., 94. Never have I ever broken a bone., 95. Never have I ever been to a concert..


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