Selfish - people who think about themselves and not about other people., Competitive - a person who always wants to win, Sensible - a person who has common sense and is practical., Charming - people who have an attractive personality and make people like them., Sociable - a person who is friendly and enjoys being with other people., Anxious - people who are often worried or stressed, Moody - a person who is happy one minute and sad the next, and is often bad -tempered, Independent - people who like doing things on their own, without help., Bossy - a person who likes giving orders to other people, Affectionate - a person who shows that they love or like people very much, Sensitive - a person that can be easily hurt or offended, Ambitious - a person who wants to be successful in life, Reliable - someone who you can trust or depend on, Rebellious - a person who doesn't like obeying rules, Stubborn - a person who never changes their opinion or attitude about someone, conscientious - wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly, adventurous - willing to try new or difficult things, caring/ considerate - feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others, empathetic - having the ability to imagine how someone else feels,


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