1) What does 'quarrel' mean? a) Feeling pain or misfortune. b) An argument or disagreement. 2) What does 'observation' mean? a) The state of being seen or noticed. b) To influence someone to do something by stirring emotion. 3) What does 'inspired' mean? a) To put together from available materials to use for a short period of time. b) To influence someone to do something by stirring emotion. 4) What does 'citizens' mean? a) A person who is a member and has rights in a country either by birth or by law. b) An argument or disagreement. 5) What does 'prejudice' mean? a) The state of being seen or noticed. b) An opinion that is formed without knowing or considering all the facts. 6) What does 'suffering' mean? a) Feeling pain or misfortune. b) To put together from available materials to use for a short period of time. 7) What does 'rigged' mean? a) An opinion that is formed without knowing or considering all the facts. b) To put together from available materials to use for a short period of time. 8) To make someone agree or believe something by showing evidence or arguing. a) Convinced b) Ordinary c) Uneasy 9) A person who creates animated cartoons. a) Uneasy b) Ordinary c) Animator 10) Not comfortable, not confident, or nervous. a) Convinced b) Ordinary c) Uneasy 11) Able to be used or put into practice or useful. a) Slangy b) Practical c) Uneasy 12) A person who uses authority in a cruel or harsh way. a) Convinced b) Tyrant c) Ordinary 13) Usual or normal. a) Slangy b) Ordinary c) Vulgar 14) Without good taste or manners, inappropriate. a) Vulgar b) Ordinary c) Animator 15) Informal speech that is made up of new words or new meanings of old words. a) Convinced b) Slangy c) Uneasy 16) What does 'prose' mean? a) Writing that is not poetry. b) The race of human beings or people 17) What does 'treasured' mean? a) A desire for more wealth or possessions than one needs. b) Someone or something that is greatly admired or valued. 18) What does 'greed' mean? a) To feel or act very sad due to a death or great loss. b) A desire for more wealth or possessions than one needs. 19) What does 'complicated' mean? a) Something false or fake but presented as true or real. b) Hard to understand. 20) What does 'humanity' mean? a) The race of human beings or people. b) Writing that is not poetry. 21) What does 'hoax' mean? a) Something false or fake but presented as true or real b) A desire for more wealth or possessions than one needs. 22) What does 'mourned' mean? a) The race of human beings or people. b) To feel or act very sad due to a death or great loss. 23) What did Ted and Helen like to do? a) Invent b) Travel c) Cook 24) What are the names of Ted and Helen’s imaginary children? a) Norvel, Wickersham and Thnud b) Zoyce, Mother Goose and Soose c) Chrysanthemum-Pearl, Norvel, Wickersham and Thnud 25) How did Helen help Ted? a) She helped Ted finish a book b) She drew a tree c) She doodled in his notebook 26) Who is one of Dr. Seuss’s most beloved characters? a) Horton b) Helen c) Adolf Hitler 27) Ted was too old to be a soldier. True or false? a) True b) False 28) Where was Ted sent to? a) Japan b) Pearl Harbour, Hawaii c) Hollywood, California 29) What does SNAFU stand for? a) It does not stand for anything b) Situation Normal, All Fouled Up c) Suess Needs Anything From University 30) Why did Dr. Seuss want to make movies instead of books? a) He liked watching movies b) He had two Oscars c) He decided that nothing was more important than writing children’s books 31) Why did Ted say he did not want to have children? a) They made him nervous. b) They promised to publish anything Ted wrote. 32) Why did Ted leave Vanguard for Random House Publishing? a) He made movies to train new soldiers. b) They promised to publish anything Ted wrote. 33) What was Ted’s job in the army? a) He made movies to train new soldiers. b) Writing children’s books. 34) What did Ted think was the most important thing for him to do after the war? a) They made him nervous. b) Writing children’s books. 35) Why did Dr. Seuss end many of his children’s books with questions? a) He wanted children to think for themselves. b) Nerd. 36) What word did Ted invent that was later added as a word to the English language? a) To write a story that first-graders can’t put down b) Nerd. 37) What did William Spaulding ask of Ted? a) Cat and hat. b) To write a story that first-graders can’t put down. 38) Which two rhyming words inspired Ted’s next big story? a) He wanted children to think for themselves. b) Cat and hat. 39) Who would run the new company started at Random House? a) Ted wrote 8 hours a day, seven days a week. b) It would be run by Phyllis, Ted and Helen. 40) How often did Ted write? a) Ted wrote 8 hours a day, seven days a week. b) It would be run by Phyllis, Ted and Helen.

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