It refers to a general slowdown in economic activity over a sustained period of time. - The Great Lockdown: Worst Economic Downturn Since the Great Depression, A situation where there is resort to armed force between two or more States, regardless of the reason or the intensity of the conflict. - Numerous armed conflicts are currently taking place around the world, crimes that violate the laws or customs of war defined by the Geneva and Hague Conventions. Including targeting civilians, murder, torture or other ill-treatment of civilians or prisoners of war. - The US has committed several war crimes across the globe in large cities, It refers to the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of any substance or energy. - Severe (air) pollution accounts for an estimated 4.2 million deaths per year due to stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, lung cancer, acute and chronic respiratory diseases., an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law: - A lot of countries are imposing harsh sanctions on Russia which will blow holes in its economy  , the number of crimes that are committed during a period of time in a particular place - Bulgarian society has been confronted for the first time with such negative phenomena as unemployment, drug addiction, a high crime rate, etc., Demolition is the science and engineering in safely and efficiently tearing down of buildings and other artificial structures. - Demolition of Famous Old Buildings Generates Loss of Historical Landmarks, (1) extremely poor/ (2) not receiving enough care or attention: - Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's (1)impoverished, (2) neglected neighborhoods, The calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. It has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police. - Domestic and international terrorism are rampant across the world due to conflicting ideologies, It refers to an overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. They can happen during heavy rains, when ocean waves come on shore, when snow melts quickly, or when dams or levees break. - Severe weather warning extended to cover much of eastern NSW, with heavy rain and (flash) flooding forecast, To invest sth in another country/place/hour; to spend  - US poured more than $28billion into weapons for Afghan forces/ Arms, ammunition pouring into Ukraine; Russia broadens its offensive, to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received: - COVID-19: Kenya to impose restrictions on unvaccinated starting next month, To go up/ numbers rocketed/ to rise very quickly to a high level: - Robbery levels have soared to a four-year high/ KNIFEPOINT MUGGINGS SOAR 73% IN ONE YEAR/ , It is a condition in transport that is characterised by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing. - Traffic congestion happens due to demand-supply imbalance in the transportation network. Traffic flow slows down when the number of vehicles travel on the road increases or the roadway capacity decreases due to various reasons., Lack of transportation - Many low-income people in urban and suburban areas struggle to find reliable transportation/ How an Insufficient Public Transportation System negatively impacts society., the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, often displacing current inhabitants in the process. - Many fear the thriving entertainment district in Ybor is next in line for gentrification, with potential plans to build the next Tampa Bay Rays stadium in the area overtaking the district's long-standing businesses., It is a highly populated urban residential area consisting of densely packed housing units of weak build quality and often associated with poverty - ‘We woke to bulldozers’: Nigeria slum clearance leaves thousands homeless,


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