You have just been given the day off from school/work. What will you do?, You see a man trying to snatch an old lady's bag. What will you do?, It's Saturday morning. You've just woken up. What will you have for breakfast?, You've just turned on your computer. Which website will you visit first?, A friend asks you to recommend a film. What film will you recommend?, A friend from another country is coming to visit you. What places will you show him or her?, You're going on a long car journey. You want to listen to some music on the way. What music will you listen to?, You're shopping for your best friend's birthday present. What will you buy him or her?, You want to start doing some exercise. What type of exercise will you do?, You want to cook a special meal for your best friend. What will you cook?, You've woken up late and you have a very important appointment. You have five minutes to leave the house. What will you do?, You're in your favourite restaurant. What will you order?, You've just been paid a $5,000 bonus. What will you buy?, You've just bought a puppy. What will you name it?.


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