1) The boxer crab carries a pair of small anemones in its claws. When a predator approaches, it waves the anemones around which presents its stinging tentacles and deters the predator. The anemones get small particles of food from the crab when it eats. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 2) Tapeworm and Dog - The tapeworm enters the dog when the dog eats feces The tapeworm attaches to the dog’s stomach and feeds off of the dog’s nutrients. This often causes harm to the dog. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 3) The clownfish lives within the tentacles of the sea anemone. This provides protection to the clownfish, and the clownfish also feeds on the food scraps of the sea anemone. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 4) Otters float and sleep on forests of kelp in the water. The kelp provides them a place to anchor in the moving water. The otters eat sea urchins, which normally feed on the kelp. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 5) Fleas live on the cat’s body and eat its blood. They cause irritation to the cat and may transmit disease to the cat. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 6) The cattle egret follows cattle or horses and preys on the insects the animals stir up as they graze. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 7) Spider crabs live in shallow areas of the ocean floor. Greenish-brown algae lives on the crab’s back, helping the crabs blend in with their environment, which makes them less noticeable to predators. The algae are provided with a good place to live while the crab receives camouflage.  a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 8) Ostriches and gazelles gather food in areas close to each other. They have different visual abilities so they are able to help warn each other when predators are nearby. They help each other avoid danger.  a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 9) Lice attach to human hair and enjoy the warmth given off by the human. They eat tiny amounts of human blood, causing the human to have little red bumps that are quite itchy. They may also transmit disease to the human. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 10) Remora Fish and Shark - Remoras attach themselves to a shark’s body. They then travel with the shark and feed on the leftover food scraps from the shark’s meals. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 11) Honey guide birds alert and direct badgers to beehives. The badgers then expose the hives and feed on the honey first. Then, the honey guide birds eat. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 12) Mistletoe extracts water and nutrients from the oak tree, causing harm to the oak tree. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 13) Ticks feed on deer blood, causing irritation to the deer and potentially giving it various diseases such as Lyme disease. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 14) Oxpecker birds feed on the ticks found on a rhinoceros. In addition, if they sense danger, the oxpecker bird will fly up and scream out as a warning to the rhinoceros. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 15) Hermit crabs live in shells made and then abandoned by snails. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 16) Wrasse fish feed on the parasites found on the black sea bass’s body. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 17) A cuckoo may lay its eggs in a warbler’s nest. The cuckoo’s young will displace the warbler’s young, and the warbler will raise the cuckoo’s young. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 18) Mosquitoes find a human and feast upon their blood. This causes a small reaction on the human’s skin, resulting in a red, itchy bump. In addition, mosquitoes can pass along disease to their human host. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 19) Barnacles create home sites by attaching themselves to whales. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism 20) The stork uses its saw-like bill to cut up the dead animals it eats. As a result, the dead animal carcass is accessible to bees for food. a) Parasitism b) Commensalism c) Mutualism

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