True: Hitler came to power in January 1933, The SS were Hitler's personal bodyguard , Josef Goebbels was in charge of Propaganda, Rudolf Hess was the Deputy Fuhrer, Himmler was the leader of the SS, Hyperinflation came about in 1923, Hindenburg was president of Germany in 1933, DAF was the Germany Labour Front , KdF was Strength Through Joy, Kristallnacht took place in November 1938 , 40,000 civilians were killed in Hamburg because of allied bombing , The working week was increased to 60 hours in 1944, In 1944 the Nazis set up the Volkstrum (Home Guard) , Hitler and his wife Eva Braun killed themselves with cyanide, False: Hitler came to power in February 1933, The SA wore black uniforms, Herman Goering was the Deputy Fuhrer, Himmler was the leader of the SA, Ernst Rohm led the SS, Hyperinflation came about in 1933, The Enabling Act was passed in 1929, Unemployed Men had to serve in the DAF for six months, Sophie Scholl was an Edelweiss Pirate , The Nazis started sending Jews to the Ghettos in 1938, In August 1944 the working week was increased to 48 hours, The Hitler Youth was set up in 1922, Women did not work in Nazi Germany, Colonel Von Stauffenburg assassinated Hitler in 1944,

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