If you could go anywhere in the world, you'd go to..., If we had lunch together, you think you'd take me to..., If you could go to a concert next weekend, you'd want to see..., If you could meet a famous person, you'd like to meet..., If you could choose an ideal job, you'd like to be..., If you could get a new pet, you'd get a..., If you were an animal, youI'd like to be..., If you had more money, you'd buy..., If you could change one thing in your house/ flat, you'd..., If you could learn to play an instrument, you'd choose..., If you could buy a new flat, you'd buy one in..., If you could travel to an English-speaking country on holiday, you'd go to..., If you were invisible, you'd..., If you had ten siblings, you'd..., If you could eat only grass, you'd....


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