1) What issues are close to your ... ? a) head b) heart c) mind 2) When was the last time you found yourself in ... water? a) boiling b) freezing c) hot 3) Have you ever you put your ... in it? What did you say? a) foot b) hand c) toe 4) When was the last time you had to work ... the clock? a) against b) for c) opposite 5) Whan did you last give someone a ... ? Why did they need help? a) foot b) finger c) hand 6) Do you know anyone who turned out to be a ... horse? a) black b) dark c) fast 7) What do you usually do if you need to break the ... ? a) cup b) glass c) ice 8) Did you have to learn a lot of things by ... when you were at school? Do you still remember them? a) head b) heart c) mind 9) Do you often go ... shopping? Why (not)? a) door b) house c) window 10) Do you usually travel ... or do you take a lot of luggage with you? a) alone b) easy c) light 11) When was the last time you let your ... down? What did you do? a) hair b) hands c) legs 12) When was the last time you were in two ... ? What did you decide in the end? a) heads b) hearts c) minds

Idioms (Speakout Intermediate Unit 3.2)


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