1) what is fodin a) you use it to make the cake clean and smooth b) a truck c) dssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssg d) you are ugly e) aq,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,einexooooooooooooooooooooodcu f) cjwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh 2) how do you make a cake a) eggs flour butter  b) your mom c) d d) aksssssssssssssgv e) zsjbxwhhc f) xsindhbeycf 3) what do you need to make frosting a) butter cream b) milk wiptcream and butter c) ,azskmooooooooooogtfvr d) sqmjnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcfr e) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd km f) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnju 4) how do you make a realistik cake a) youi poop your pants b) fcxxxuvqinh 3fih c) cefih iuh d) you use a cake mold e) cvffevfvvavfgva f) you do it with your hands 5) how do you make a choklet gotar a) ,kkkkkkkkkk b) get a mold c) do it with your hads it is easy d) kmo18y e) nxjcuh1byv7 f) kmxbv 6) do i like suger rush a) no b) yes c) maybe d) a little bit e) cnjebfv2htw3 f) cjinr1hbugyv2


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