Mein Kamf - Hitler's political manifesto, Fascism - A form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy, Weimar Republic - German democratic government from 1919-1933, Nationalism - Extreme pride in one's own country, Rhineland - Industrialized region of western Germany on the French border, Nazism - Shortened form of national socialism, Treaty of Versailles - Ended WWI, Joseph Goebbels - The minister of propaganda, Enabling Act - Transformed the Weimar Republic into a dictatorship, Beer Hall Putsch - Led to Hitler's imprisonment, AntiSemitism - Defining tenet of Nazi ideology, Third Reich - Alluded to Nazi claim as successor to Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire, Fuhrer - Title that Hitler bestowed upon himself, Heinrich Himmler - In charge of concentration camps, Von Ribbentrop - Last name of foreign minister of Nazi Party, Joseph Mengele - The "Angel of Death", Gestapo - Secret police of Nazi Germany, Herman Goring - Head of the Luftwaffe, Reichstag - Series of governing bodies in Germany, Kristallnacht - The "Night of Broken Glass",

The Rise of Nazi Germany



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