My sister does exercise every day. She’s ___________________. - as fit as a fiddle, It’s important that we get a lot of help. We need to_____________________ . - drum up some support, I know the food is cold but it doesn’t matter. Please don’t _________________. - don't make a song and dance about it, I think I’ve heard of him. His name certainly_________________ . - rings a bell, You’ve____________ . Yesterday, you didn’t want to come and now you do! - changed your tune, I don’t like Anna – she’s always talking proudly about herself. - blows her own trumpet, It’s important to get more people to come to the concert. - to drum up support for, There’s nothing wrong with Bob – he’s very healthy. - is as fit as a fiddle, It’s time to accept our punishment for breaking the window. - to face the music, I don’t know what to say so I’m going to do it without preparation. - play it by ear, OK, so I made a mistake. There’s no need to make a huge fuss. - to make a song and dance about it, Manchester City have been knocked____of the championship. - out, My orchestra is going to put_____ an open-air concert in the summer. - on, He went_____ to become the most famous actor in the world. - on, We’ve got the school holidays coming___ . I can’t wait! - up, Please don’t give____ what happens. I haven’t read it yet! - away,

idioms and phrasal verbs b1+ U9


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