A friend has asked you for the second day this week if s/he can copy the English homework. You say…, Someone jumps the queue at the supermarket saying, “I hope you don’t mind, I’m rushing for a bus.” You say…, You have ordered some soup in a café. When it arrives, it is cold. You call the waitress and say…, You have waited in all day for a new washing machine to be delivered. It’s 5pm and you decide to call customer services. You say…, You have bought a new jumper but when you get home you realise there is a hole in the back of it. Then the next day you take it back to the shop and ask for a refund. You say…, You are in a restaurant and you have been waiting fifteen minutes for a cup of coffee. You can see that the waitress is new and she is not coping very well. You are not in a hurry but you do wish she’d bring it! You say…, You’ve been on the phone to a friend for quite a while and you’d like to end the conversation. You say…, A friend promised to call for you and bring you along to the local sports club and introduce you to some people there. S/he went without you. You phone and say…, You work in customer services in a supermarket. An angry customer complains about a product that they have been overcharged for. You say…, You have waited six weeks for a new sofa to be delivered. When it finally arrives you realise that the company has sent it in the wrong colour. You telephone the company to complain about your order. You say…,

2.2 Demonstrate assertiveness skills in a range of simulated situations


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