network system - binds and connects all the computer systems, its peripherals, and the different devices and equipment that are connected to it, breakdowns - may lead to stoppage of work if not responded properly and immediately., Duplicated IP address - DCHP server is not working, Computers could not connect to the network - Data cable or connectors may be loose, The wireless router hanged - Restart the router, Improper network planning - Try to re-evaluate the network topologies both the physical or logical, to maximize the network system’s capability to transmit data and facilitate communication, Computer systems - designed to aid in the completion of tasks and job requirements assigned to an end-user., Burn-in test - composed of different procedures that checks the amount of stress a component can endure and also tests the overall performance of a computer system, CPU Testing - subject the CPU to a number of resource intensive processes to test the ability of the CPU to handle heavy work load, Memory Testing - write and read on the sectors of the RAM multiple times to test its capabilities of storing and retrieving the temporary data needed by applications to run., network - facilitates communication and resource sharing among the connected components, The computer systems have faulty internet settings - Check the internet setting of the computer systems and ensure that they are correct,

May 17, 2022 - Review


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