What colour was your bedroom when you were 5 years old?, What was the last concert you went to?, What is your favourite TV show?, What is your favourite place to travel?, Do you have any hobbies? What are they?, Describe your perfect weekend. Name 5 things., What is your favourite food?, What was your favourite food when you were 9 years old?, Do you like going to museums? How often do you visit them?, What do you usually do to relax in the evening?, Who is your favourite singer? Why?, Which do you prefer: summer or winter? Why?, Which do you prefer: ice cream or chocolate?, How often do you meet friends? , What is your favourite place for breakfast/lunch? Why?, When was the last time you ate pizza?, When was the last time you drank hot chocolate? Where was it?, When was the last time you played football/basketball/volleyball?, When was the last time you were really surprised. Who or what surprised you?, Which do you prefer: Fanta or Coke?, Do you have any interesting traditions in your family? Tell about one of them., Do you like playing board games like Alias or Crocodile?.

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