Brain cells - After stroke, some of the ______________died. So people lost the ability to move., Commands - Brain sends out ( ) and the message through the spinal cord., Organs - The bones protect our ( )and support our body., Posture - The muscles can work with the bones to produce different movements and maintain different (), Contracts - When the muscle ( ), it pulls on the bones to produce movements., Nervous - The ( )system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves., ribcage - Lungs and heart are in the( ), Fractures - ( ), dislocations and traumas are some kinds of damage related to the bones and muscles., oxygen - Drug abuse may cause a lack of( ) in the brain., bacteria - Communicable disease can be transmitted from person to person. They are caused by the invasion of our body by () or viruses., Communicable - () diseases can be transmitted through air and droplets, mosquitoes, food, blood, direct contact., vaccination - We should pay attention to personal , domestic, community and food receive and ( ), Dengue fever - ( ) can be transmitted by mosquitoes., Non-communicable - ( )diseases are the diseases that cannot be transmitted from one person to another., dizziness - When people with heart disease suffer from heart attacks, they have symptoms such as ( ) and angina., abnormal - Symptoms of cancer such as lumps in the body,( ) bleeding,, without - The quick response given by the body ( ) thinking is called reflex action.,

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