How many - cakes did your eat? Hmm, maybe five., How often - do you go swimming? I go swimming every Saturday., How old - is your grandpa? He's eighty years old., How tall - is Fuji Mountain? It's 3,776 metres tall., How much - are two scoops of ice cream? It's forty dollars., How  - do you go to Ocean Park?  You can take the bus or MTR.  , Who - cooks for you at home? My mum or the helper., When - is the school picnic? It's in December., Where - do you want to go on Christmas holidays? I think I'll go to Japan., What - does your dad do? He's a firefighter., Why - do you look sad? My brother took my favourite toy car., Whose - book is this? It's not mine., Which - flavour of ice cream do you like best, strawberry or chocolate?,

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