In the ____ century our region became the part of ____ and in 863, Cyril and Methodius brought the old Slavonic ____. In the 10th century, ____ dynasty united the Czech lands, but they died out and at the beginning of the 14th century, ____ dynasty sat on the ____. The most famous king, ____, started to ____ the country. One of the most important of his acts was the foundation of ____ in ____. In 1526, the ____ dynasty came to ____ and later we became the part of ____. People started to ____ against the German language in the ____ century and that period is known as National ____. After the ____ in 1918, ____ was established. In 1938, ____ agreement gave some of the Czech territory into ____ hands and the next year, the ____ started. In 1948, ____ took power in their hands and didn’t lose it until ____, when on the 17th November ____ revolution took place. People also reacted on the year ____, when the Soviet Union ____ Czechoslovakia. In 1993, Czechoslovakia ____ into two separate states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, ____ after being one country.

Czech history


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