Simple Past: I visited my family in Wales last year. , I didn't get your message. , Did you meet Sue at the party? , Jamie won the lottery. , I didn't relax at the weekend. , Did you sleep well last night? , Past Progressive: During the film, John was sleeping. , It was raining all weekend. , I wasn't paying attention in Maths. , Were you sleeping on the plane? , Ronny wasn't listening at all. , Simple Present: I never eat broccoli., Jane loves riding horses. , Every week, I go to a concert. , She doesn't know the rules yet. , Do you like ice-cream? , Present Progressive: We are celebrating John's birthday right now. , Look! It is raining! , Are you kidding me? , Randy isn't feeling well. , You are learning the tenses right now. , She is sleeping. , Present Perfect (Simple): I have lost my keys. , Have you ever seen a real whale? , Jack has never been to the USA. , Kira has sold her house to move to NYC. , I haven't gotten your messages. , Present Perfect Progressive: It has been raining all day., Rita has been waiting for hours. , Have you been sitting here for a long time? , She has been sleeping for hours. , Has the dog been running around here all morning?, Past Perfect Simple: Before the concert, he had been sick. , Before the school start, we had had holidays. , Had you been to the USA before last year's trip? , She hadn't thought about it before 2020. , Past Perfect Progressive: I had been sitting in front of the cinema all day before his arrival. , After I had been shouting at him, he cried. , They had been discussing that forever. ,

Tenses and their names


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