moody - happy one minute and sad the next, changeable, selfish - you think only about yourself, generous - you like giving or sharing things with others, hard-working - you like to work a lot, honest - you don't like to cheat; you always tell the truth, self-confident - you believe in yourself, insecure - you don't believe in yourself; you are not confident, sensitive - you get easily hurt or offended, reliable - you can trust and depend on that person, bossy - you love giving orders, jealous - you want what others have, independent - you like doing things on your own, without help., lazy - the opposite of hard-working, persistent - you continue to do something even when you are facing difficulties or opposition, stubborn - you are determined to do what you want and refuse to do anything else, sociable - you like meeting new people and spending time with them., impulsive - you react quickly and often make decisions without thinking enough, immature - someone who doesn't behave in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of his/her age, restless - you are not satisfied with what you're doing now and want something new., rebellious - you don't obey rules, unreliable - you can't rely on that person, sensible - you have or use good judgment; you are reasonable, outspoken - you say what you think without worrying if other people are offended, easy-going - you are calm and unworried; relaxed, casual,

Personality adjectives


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