are - Where ______ you from?, were - Where ______ you born?, live? - Where do you ______, live - Do you ______ in a house or a flat?, you have  - Do ______ any brothers or sisters?, have any - Do you ______ pets?, do? - What do you ______, get - What time do you ______ up during the week?, have - Where do you usually ______ lunch?, go to - What time do you usually ______ bed?, study - Where did you ______ English before?, speak - Can you ______ any other languages? Which?, listen - What kind of music do you ______ to?, watch - What TV programmes or series do you ______?, go - How often do you ______ to the cinema?, do - What did you ______ last weekend?, read - What kind of books or magazines do you ______?, play - Do you ______ any sport or exercise? What?,


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