moan - to make a low sound because you are in pain, very sad, etc.; a low sad sound that someone makes, fortune - money, houses and valuable things that make you a rich person, landlord - a man who gets money from renting out a house, grief - great sadness that you feel after someone that you love dies, rent - the money that you give every month for a place to live, faithful - true to your husband or wife and not having other lovers; true to your friends or people that you work for and not forgetting them, annoy - to make you feel a little angry, sigh - to blow air from your mouth with a sad or tired sound, drawing room (old fashioned word) - a living room, especially in a large house, depressing - making you feel very unhappy, grave - a hole in the ground where you put a dead body, haunt - to cause repeated suffering and anxiety; (of ghosts) to appear in a place repeteadly; to spend a lot of time in a place, bury - to put a dead person under the ground, believe - to think that something is true, memory - something that you remember from the past,

The Faithful Ghost (Dominoes)


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