1) She ________ a shower a) TAKE b) TAKES 2) I _________ to work at 7 o´clock. a) GO b) GOES 3) Emily ________ breakfast in the morning. a) HAS b) HAVE 4) I ________ play with friends at night. a) DON´T b) DOESN´T 5) HE _________ in the afternoon. a) TRAIN b) TRAINS 6) Tom _______ lunch at 12 o´clock. a) HAS b) HAVE 7) Susana ______________ listen to music at half past 10. a) DON´T b) DOESN´T 8) I __________ to bed at night. a) GOES b) GO 9) I___________ do homework. a) DON´T b) DOESN´T 10) She _________ at 8 o´clock. a) GETS b) GET 11) _________Peter roller skate on Saturday? a) DOES b) DO 12) _________they dance at twenty to six? a) Does b) Do


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