1) Moral decision-making is a process where we: a) See, Judge, Act Evaluate b) Judge, See, Act, Evaluate c) Act, Evaluate, Judge, See d) Evaluate, Act, See Judge 2) Thinking about the best ways to make choices is called: a) Moral decision making b) Ethical decision making c) Discernment d) The Golden Rule 3) The process of "Seeing" in moral decision-making is when: a) You use your eyes to look at something b) You think about who will be affected c) You see if you can get away with something bad 4) The process of "Judging" in moral decision-making is when: a) You get dressed as Judge Judy and preside over court b) Judging means calling on our conscience, considering what the Bible says, what the Church teaches and the opinions of people we trust c) You think about what you've done wrong 5) The process of "Acting" in moral decision-making is when: a) Is acting in a play or movie b) Acting like a monkey c) Deciding to do the loving thing and then doing it. 6) The process of "Evaluating" in moral decision-making is when: a) Thinking about the right way to go at a crossroad b) Doing a self-evaluation of our thinking skills for English class c) We think about how or relationship with God, ourselves and others are affected 7) The Examen of Conscience is: a) Evaluating all of the decisions we made during the day through prayer b) A test that God will give you c) A Guilt monster that eats you

Moral Decision-Making


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