May I feed the pet fox?, Mix the mud in the pot., I see the men in the hot rod., Jan can hug the cat., I can feel a bug., Ray can run in the hot sun., Don't be greedy!, Did you win a cup?, I will get it in a week., Did Pat get wet feet?, The red wig is wet., Don't be greedy!, Yes, the wig is in the box., I can not see Dan yet., Did May yell at him?, The dog can yip., Don't be greedy!, May I feed the dog?, I see the cat on the hut., Put the mug in the box., I can see May., Did Jan yell at the dog?, Don't be greedy!, Fix the rug., Can I feed the pup?, I had a can of mud., Let him run., See the bug on the log., I will feed the red hen., Ten men can run to the net., Let him get his pig fed., Don't be greedy!, Don't be greedy!, Don't be greedy!, The red fox ran up the hill., I see a big mess!.


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