The ____ ____ ____ (VOC) was founded in 1602. The Dutch capital in the East was ____. In the early 1600s Dutch ships stopped at different places on the ____ ____ coast. This was about halfway between the ____ and the ____ ____. After many months at sea, ships needed to replenish their supplies of ____, and trade for ____ and ____ in order to have fresh meat. The ____ decided that it needed to have a permanent refreshment station at the ____ to supply Dutch ships with food. In April ____, Commander ____ ____ ____ and about 100 others arrived at ____ ____ to start a settlement. His instructions from the VOC were: Build a ____ and a ____ for sick sailors. Set up friendly and regular trade with the ____ for ____ and ____ Organise the planting of ____, ____ and fruit trees

Reasons for the VOC permanent settlement at the Cape in 1652


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