book index - an alphabetized list of topics/subjects that can be found in the book , body of book - the main part of the book, bibliography - an alphabetized list of books which gives the following information: authors name, book title, place, and date of publication and of publisher , appendix - any materials the author wishes to add to the body of the book such as tables or lists of information. it is found at the back of the book, copywrite page - found at the front of the book. it gives book title, author, publisher, place of publication, and copywrite date  , encyclopedia cross reference - found at the end of an article. it suggests other subjects to check under for additional information, encyclopedia guide words - found at the top of the page. topic are found alphabetically between these words used as guides , encyclopedia headings - found within an encyclopedia article. acts like title headings for information in the title , title card - catalog card which is alphabetized by the title of the book, diaglogue - conversation in a play, novel, or short story,

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