Last Monday, I got a text message from a friend of mine with ____ to his brand-new bike.He'd bought it in place ____ his old one. That one had a considerable ____ of defects, to the ____ of making it a dangerous meansof transport. In the message, he asked me to go for a ride near the city centre. I accepted and we did ____ that same evening. While we were riding, a man fell from his bike, so I came ____ aid of him. After that episode, I ____my friend about the great importance of wearing a helmet, because it can save lives. At the end of the day, I felt proud about the ____ progress he had made, I can guess it's the reward of practice. Teachers at my secondary school are used to ____ charity trips for students to help others in need.Everything is donein ____ of helping others to live a better life. Every year we ____ go to a different school in Chaco, where everyone helped to improve ____ children's studying conditions. We used to paint their classrooms, clean and fix their bathrooms (if needed), and on one occasion, we got to give them a new toilet! We also made them new desks in ____ of their own old ones. The best part of it was seeing the children's smiles on their faces when they arrived at the school after everything it had been done! Obviously all of this couldn't ____ been possible if it ____ beenfor the families donating money. I grew up in a small city where people were highly interested in keeping ____ traditions. In fact, the other day there was a folk music concert ____ aid of citizens harmed by floods. People collaborated with food in exchange ____ tickets and they enjoyed a fantastic show with excellent musicians and dancers. Many authorities and leaders of social organizations participated in the event on ____ of their compromise to continue working to give people affected a permanent solution. Some women talked about the situation on ____ of these families and thanked for all the help received. I was very proud of people from my little town. They demonstrated the importance of working together as society instead of ____ about the insufficient policies of governments. These days, on account of social distance, people tend to order food in place of ____ restaurants ____ keeping with the preventive measures adopted by the health department.



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