1) Meaning: to produce a continuous light a) glow b) grow c) bargain d) introduce 2) The new TV comes with a two-year ____, so Ms. Chan can repair it for free if the TV has any problems. a) protection b) a guarantee c) guarantee d) offer 3) We have high safety ____ in this laboratory, so accidents can be prevented in the first place. a) a standard b) rules c) problems d) standards 4) Nowadays, it is important for people to use products that are _____. We can produce less rubbish and the environment can be cleaner. a) disposable b) inexpensive c) reusable d) breakable 5) Meaning: something on sale at a lower price a) profit b) bargain c) publicity d) shopping 6) The government hopes to promote ______ as teenagers seldom do exercise these days. Unlike traditional sports like basketball and swimming, teens can do ___ at parks with friends! a) skateboarding b) backpacking c) singing d) baking 7) Meaning: a reduction in the usual price of something a) stock b) offer c) product d) fangs 8) Feeding the dolphins was a/an _______ experience for Jenny. This was the first time that she could have such as close contact with sea animals! a) attractive b) eye-catching c) appealing d) unforgettable 9) Meaning: using force to hurt or attack a) kind-hearted b) organized c) angry d) violent 10) The ____ builds up the exciting atmosphere in the movie. I love the melody of the electric guitar and the drums as they express the happiness of the characters. a) soundtrack b) characters c) background d) lighting 11) Meaning: something strange, unknown or hard to understand  a) magical b) usual c) certain d) mystery 12) The books written by the well-known author Paul Wong are always ____. Sometimes, you cannot expect what will happen next and this makes his works very interesting!  a) boring b) entertaining c) thrilled d) entertainment

S2: Thematic RC (Teen shopping)


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