1) What is reduction? a) The gain of electrons b) The loss of electrons c) The gain of your mum d) The loss of your dad e) The gain of rabies f) The loss of genitals 2) What is the functional group of carboxylic acids? a) COOH b) POOH c) Alcohol d) MOOH e) Beer f) Emos 3) What is a polymer? a) A long chain molecule made of lots of monomers b) An african disease c) Lubricant d) Baby Oil e) Whips f) Handcuffs 4) Which is the thermosoftening plastic? a) Polystyrene b) Pillows c) Condoms d) Black plastic e) Clouds f) School canteen food 5) What is a weak acid? a) A small schoolchild b) Andys bicep c) A partially dissociated (ionised) acid d) Andys thigh e) Andys brain f) Andys GIANT forehead


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